calorific capacity câu
RBDPO has a lower density, viscosity, and calorific value than HFO.RBDPO có mật độ, độ nhớt, và nhiệt lượng thấp hơn HFO. Crab also ha...

calorific energy
Each cubic meter (m3) of biogas contains the equivalent of 6 kWh of calorific energy.Mỗi mét khối (m3) khí biogas chứa khoảng 6 kWh năn...

calorific radiation
It is indicated for any medical specialty, but mainly for those places where a total absence of calorific radiation is required and a v...

calorific value
RBDPO has a lower density, viscosity, and calorific value than HFO.RBDPO có mật độ, độ nhớt, và nhiệt lượng thấp hơn HFO. Crab also ha...

And with a total capacity for#272;#432;#7907;c r#7891;i, v#224; v#7899;i b#7873; m#7863;t tr#234;n We've been running the equipment at...

gross calorific value
Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) where gas distributed is rich, with a gross calorific value (GCV) higher than 43 MJ/m3(n), i.e. 1,090 Btu/s...

high calorific value
LPG can cook faster than any other fuels because of its high calorific value.LPG có thể nấu ăn nhanh hơn so với bất kỳ khác nhiên liệu ...

low calorific value
Crab also has a low calorific value which is only 128 calories in 100 grams.Cua cũng có mức calori thấp tức chỉ có 128 calo trong 100 g...

net calorific value
A low carbon fuel, LPG is primarily a mixture of Propane and Butane with a high net calorific value of 10,900 kcal/kg.Là nhiên liệu có ...

total calorific value
Fuels such as coal and oil must meet regulations specifying the total calorific value, quality and purity of the fuel.Nhiên liệu như th...

absorbent capacity
The water absorbent capacity of these types of materials is only in the region of 11 times their weight, but most of this is lost under...

absorbing capacity
Tip: Metal ion can deeply reduce or destroy the water absorbing capacity of sodium polyacrylate.Mẹo: ion kim loại có thể giảm sâu hoặc ...

absorption capacity
This increases mineral absorption capacity of the crops.""Điều đó đã làm tăng khả năng hấp thu của cây trồng." It is said to increase ...

absorptive capacity
EGF is useful in simulating the intestinal cells to multiply and grow thereby increasing absorptive capacity.EGF nồng độ cao sẽ thẩm th...

accumulator capacity
a/ The accumulator capacity of a vehicle using an electric engine must be sufficient for the vehicle to continuously operate on a road ...

actual capacity
Why is the actual capacity of the USB flash disk not correct?Tại sao Ổ USB Flash Dung lượng thật là không đúng dung lượng? This figure...

adaptive capacity
Enhancing adaptive capacity in rural UgandaKinh nghiệm cải thiện năng suất nông nghiệp ở Uganda Adaptive capacity of systems is what I...

address capacity
The TS3200—and its storage management applications—is designed to address capacity, performance, data protection, reliability, affordab...

adsorption capacity
Coal has significant adsorption capacity.Carbon có khả năng hấp thụ rất mạnh. When used in combination with other agents, its high ads...

adsorptive capacity
An adsorptive capacity value (total amount adsorbed) is established in milligrams.Một giá trị khả năng hấp thụ (tổng số tiền hấp phụ) đ...

aggregate capacity
Assuming an average of 20 Gbps, the 1600 satellites in the Initial Deployment would have a total aggregate capacity of 32 Tbps.Cứ cho r...

available capacity
hard disk with an available capacity of at least 100 megabytes;Ổ đĩa cứng có ít nhất 100 megabyte dung lượng trống. (6) Therefore, the...

average capacity
Average capacity exceeded 87%, up 0.4 percentage points quarter and year.Công suất trung bình vượt 87%, tăng 0,4 điểm % theo quý và the...

battery capacity
“There are some reasons why we can reduce the battery capacity.“Có một số lý do để chúng tôi giảm dung lượng pin. “ There are some rea...

bearing capacity
The bearing capacity of the bridge is approximately 60 tonnes.Tổng tải trọng chịu lực của cây cầu là khoảng 60 tấn. bearing capacity o...